Resources in our Stamford School Community
Christine Bisceglie, School Counselor, cbisceglie@stamfordct.gov
Mary Hidajat-Crichlow, School Social Worker, MHidajat-Crichlow@stamfordct.gov
Ivie Efianayi, Teen Talk counselor, iefianayi@stamfordct.gov
Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) - meets after school Tuesdays in Guidance, contact Christine Bisceglie
Stamford High
GSA/H.U.G.S. (Help Unite Gays and Straights): contact Emily Segal, LCSW, esegal@stamfordct.gov
Meets every Monday at 3PM via video conference
School-based Health Center
School Counseling Department
GSA: contact Emily Handy, ehandy@stamfordct.gov
School-based Health Center
School Counseling Department
Resources in our Stamford School Community
Middle School
LGBTQ+ support in Middle Schools:
Nicole Ballantoni, School Counselor @ Dolan
David Tate @ Cloonan
LGBTQ+ support in Elementary Schools:
Jeff Bianco @ Northeast
In Stamford-Norwalk-Bridgeport CT Area
Lighthouse LGBTQ Teen Group https://www.kidsincrisis.org/get-help/lighthouse/​
Tues Nights at Scalzi park or Avon Theatre (weather-based) 5-6:45pm
Triangle Community Center https://www.ctpridecenter.org/
LGBTQIAP+ Support Group - Triangle Community Center (Norwalk)
Transgender and Gender Questioning Youth Forum - Triangle Community Center (Norwalk)
General Resources for our Stamford Community
Gay Lesbian Straight Educators Network (GLSEN), www.glsen.org
GLSEN Resources: https://www.glsen.org/educator-resources
Trevor Project: www.trevorproject.org
Human Rights Campaign (HRC), Human Rights Campaign: Advocating for LGBTQ Equality
Parents and Friends of Lesbians And Gays PFLAG
Movement Advancement Project (MAP), http://lgbtmap.org
The Trevor Project Lifeline, (866) 488 7386
Trans Lifeline, (877) 565 8860
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence - English: (888) 774 2900, Español: (844) 831 9200
Kids In Crisis 24/7 Hotline: 203-661-1911
General Resources for our Stamford Families
General Resources for our Stamford Families:
The Gay Straight Alliance is a club with branches at all three high schools in Stamford, which hosts educational events throughout the middle and high schools (and also manages this website). For more information about LGBTQIA+ in the Stamford Public Schools, you can reach out to your child’s guidance department, or Contact the GSA heads:
Christine Bisceglie, cbisceglie@stamfordct.gov
Emily Handy, ehandy@stamfordct.gov
Stamford High
Emily Segal, esegal@stamfordct.gov
PFLAG, or Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, is a national group with local chapters for the families of LGBTQIA+ people.
Norwalk (PFLAG Norwalk - Home, monthly meetings in Norwalk) and Westchester County (PFLAG Westchester, bi-weekly meetings in White Plains and Mahopac).
The Family Acceptance Project: (research and resources), http://familyproject.sfsu.edu/sites/default/files/FAP_English%20Booklet_...